Logo Langit Musik
Logo NSP1212
Logo Langitku

Music streaming application by Indonesian local creation.

Langit Musik is a digital streaming platform. Collaborating with local and international music record companies to present songs across genres and eras. Langit Musik is committed to advancing the Indonesian music industry through content and programs that carry #musikindonesiajuara message. This application can be downloaded by Android and iOS users, and IndiHome TV subscribers.

Image for Music streaming application by Indonesian local creation.
Image for Music streaming application by Indonesian local creation.

Enjoy audio contents with interesting topics.

Langit Musik also presents other audio content, such as streaming music, live audio and video podcasts, live radio, and tausiyah content with interesting topics.

Visit Langit Musik
Image for Enjoy audio contents with interesting topics.
Image for Enjoy audio contents with interesting topics.
Logo https://cms.nuon.id/media/uploads/2023/09/21/product_categories-images-1-0.webp
Logo https://cms.nuon.id/media/uploads/2023/09/21/product_categories-images-1-1.webp
Logo https://cms.nuon.id/media/uploads/2023/09/21/product_categories-images-1-2.webp
Logo https://cms.nuon.id/media/uploads/2023/09/21/product_categories-images-1-3.webp
Logo https://cms.nuon.id/media/uploads/2023/09/21/product_categories-images-1-4.webp
Logo https://cms.nuon.id/media/uploads/2023/09/21/product_categories-images-1-5.webp
Logo https://cms.nuon.id/media/uploads/2023/09/21/product_categories-images-1-6.webp
Logo https://cms.nuon.id/media/uploads/2023/09/21/product_categories-images-1-7.webp

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